Since 1969, our name stands for quality from the Odenwald, Germany. We invent, produce and distribute Forest machines for heavy conditions in Germany, Europe and around the world. The brand NOE stands for performance, individuality and reliability. The direct contact between our development departement and the customer is unique.
We don´t produce just a machine
Weldments including mechanical work are our goal since the mid of 1960`s. Our customers are part of the greatest industrial companies in Germany and Europe.
We have a DIN ISO 9001:2008 certification; we are also a certificated welding company along DIN 18800-7:2002 and DIN EN ISO 3834. You are searching for a reliable supplier? Gratulation you found it.
We will gladly make you an offer
Service wird großgeschrieben im Hause NOE. Ein großes Ersatzteillager und schnelle Reaktionszeiten sind unsere Stärken. Sie können uns jeden Wochentag von 6:45 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr garantiert erreichen. Meistens auch darüberhinaus.
Ab Freitag 12:00 Uhr haben wir einen Wochenenddienst für Sie geschalten, den Sie unter der Mobil-Nr.: 0171/3414504 erreichen können.
Service-Meister: Rainer Grünvogel
Tel: 06284 / 9207-36
Wochenend- und Feiertagsdienst
Tel: 0171 / 34 14 504

After Sales-Service is very important for us. A great spare part ware house and fast acting are our main goals. You can contact us weekdays from 6:45 am till 4:30 pm under guarantee. Mostly longer.
From Friday 12am on we hold a weekend-service for our customers.
You can contact our service by phone:
+49 (0)6284 9207-36
After - Sales: Maik Grabe
Tel: +49 (0)6284 / 9207-36
Weekend and holidays
Ph: +49 (0)6284 / 9207-36 (Phone forwarding)