About us

Since 1969, our name stands for quality from the Odenwald / Germany. Our clients include forestry contractors and industrial customers throughout Europe.
With around 70 employees, we develop and produces machines, driver cabins and equipment for use in difficult conditions for agriculture and forestry.

True to our company motto: "Nothing is impossible", we are constantly watching for new developments, which simplifies the work in the forest for our customers.

Our quality management is certified according to
DIN ISO 9001: 2008, we are welding to DIN 18800-7: 2002-09 and DIN EN ISO 3834th
In addition, we have permission for welding statically and dynamically loaded components.
from a Job order supplier to a producer of Forest machines
You can look back to the second last century to find the roots of our company. As an blacksmith we were responsible for the farmers repair work, the horseshoes and many other daily work which was needed in our small town.
In the mid of the sixties of the last century our company founder began to change blacksmithing into a job order production. Very soon our customers appreciated the high Quality and delivery reliability from the Odenwald. Especially in the vehicle construction industry we built up a good reputation. Flexibility of our production was an argument our customers were convinced of.
In the mid of the nineties our company was passed to the next generation. An additional division was founded.
1997 we proudly presented our first Forest special machine NF129, totally designed and produced in our company.
In the job order production we began to look for new production lines. In 1996 we established the very new laser cutting technique in our company. We invested in new greater CNC machining center´s. We focused our search for new customers on the possibility to deliver complete assembly groups.
Our intensity is the complexity of our production. We deliver welding assembly groups with mechanical work, ready for the final assembly in your company.
In the year 2008 we founded as the final step to our 3-pillars strategy the division Cabin building. We offer the customer professional Driver Cabins also in middle high and much lower numbers.
The slogan of our company founder Otmar Noe is present today, as it was yesterday:
„Everything is possible"
We upgraded that slogan to :
"The one and only who counts is the customer"