KWF-Tagung 2016 in Roding/Bavaria

From 09. June till 12.June 2016 the KWF-Tagung took place in Roding/Bavaria. Every four years this event takes place on different locations in the wood. With 551 exhibitors and about 51.000 visitors the world greatest forest technic exhibition this year happened in the Bavarian forest. Only the forest fair in Jönköpping/Sweden could offer such big numbers and for sure a little bit more of these.
Because such a special event earned a special presentation, we have thought about some new ideas for our exhibition booth.

We´ve built an archway to welcome our visitors und divided our booth with a fence of banners from our neighbours. In the backyard a comfortably furnished tent waited for our guests.

Thanks to the weather god the fair was nearly a try one. Just at the beginning and the end of the fair we had a little bit rain.
In the luggage of our exhibition participation we not only had our well-known products to present but also a real surprise. A surprise we are really proud of.
Before the fair we convinced one of the leading agriculture machinery dealers in Germany of our products. Anybody who knows which kind of other products you can find in the portfolio of this dealer will understand how great we feal in such a neigbourhood.
Partnership for Bavaria - Partnership with a future

The BayWa Group ist one of the leading traid and servies companies in Germany and worldwide. Their core competence are the fields of agriculture (incl. forest), energy and construction. The BayWa was founded in Munich 1923. In the moment about 17.000 employee at over 3.000 locations in 34 countries work there. In the year 2015 the group generated a turn over of about 15 billion EUR.
In the field of agriculture technic the BayWa Group is one of the leading companies in Europe. They hold the exclusiv distribution rights for the brands of the AGCO-Group (Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra and Challenger) in Southern Germany and part of East Germany. Additionally from now on BayWa will distribute our brand exclusiv in Bavaria and Saxony.
We are really looking forward to the cooperation.

An additional novalty we could present at the KWF-Tagung was our brandnew 8-wheeler NF210-8R. The picture has in a different way a symbolic character.
"A new star is born a the 8-wheeler sky"
For more informations about this totaly new machine, please follow the link: "NF210-8R"
And last but not really least we could present the secret star of the KWF days (but it wasn´t really a secret star)

Our new driver cabin was official presented to the market. The low modifications at the backbone of the cabin leads to a complete new, light flooded and clear working place. The cabin could be short descriped with:
"a new way of seeing things"
The cabin in a short overview:
- more headroom and freedom of movement without the outer dimension to enlarge essential
- more clarity through panoramic window
- an integrated climate control is responsible for the pleasant atmosphere even when the work gets hot
- additional air-conditioned compartments provide more convenience
- standard LED-lights and a comfort swivel seat round off the new cabin.
But this is not the only novalty we could offer. We finally added a complete new drive control of the new generation:
- a great 10.4" colour display with touch function will guide you through the work
- the menu navigation is self explanatory and easy to learn
- a diagnostic function is also added to the touchpad
- an option for a remote maintenance module is available
- Error warnings are automatically integrated
- 5 different driver modis are programmable, all joysticks funtions are individuell changeable over the dispaly
- the responsiveness of the different functions are also individuell programmable
- not at last the winch is also proportionally controlled
The days of Roding are the greatest exhibitions days we had in the last 20 years of our forest machine production. The numbers of visitors and the quality of interesting conversations are far ahead of any other fair we took part in the last 20 years. A real relief after the all in all disappointing Interforst in 2014. In Roding we knew why we invested money and manpower in such an event. Because of this we will wrap the cloak of silence over the last day (a sonday) of this event. Maybe we should have handled it like some competitors did and close our exhibition booth for this day. Unfortunately also on this day we had potential new customers to speak with, not in a satisfy number but who knows what will happen with these adresses.

The exhibition team would like to say thank you to all visitors and customers for the interesting conversations. Such events are really important to learn what is good and what could be better and integrated that in new constructions and innovations. Thank you also for that input. This permanent exchange of ideas is essential for us as a producer.
Your exhibition team (from left to right):
- Maik Grabe (Service)
- Raik Just (Brand manager Forest)
- Reiner Loeffler (Head of the construction departement)
- Rene Rings (Distribution at our partner MAFA in Malchow/Germany)
- Radoslav Suran (Service and sales commissioner Slowkia)
- Juergen Noe (Managing Director)
For the end a so called Messeschmankerl:
KWF video from our supplier Epsilon Palfinger