Kärntner Holzmesse 2016 in Klagenfurt/Austria
The middle European Wood- and Forest business met from 01. September till 04.September 2016 once more in Klagenfurt / Austria at the INTERNATIONALE WOODFAIR and WOODBUILDING to inform about the newest trends. More than 500 exhibitors from 22 Nations present at 30.000 square meters impressively the entire value chain: From Forest till cutting technology, from bioenergy till logistic, as well as from wood construction till carpentry needs.

We want to say "Thank you" to all visitors at our fair presentation. As always the meetings with professional publication and all discussions around the machine brought a lot of fun.
The Forest machine market Austria will take a important place in our thoughts regarding the development of our machines. The fair showed us, even when the market Austria is not very big in the moment, there are more and more
innovative forestry entrepreneurs. We would like to be the contact for these customers.

Also the physical welfare had been provided quite well. Many thanks to our neighbours once more.

Also a warm "Thank you" to Mario Kropfitsch from Velden at the Wörthersea in Austria. He has already worked very hard for our products in the past in Austria and will also be in the future an important part of our sales departement. Thanks to his commitment and dedication the fair has been a great success. We are really looking forward to the upcoming years as partners.
Another warm Thank you also to Patrick Novak from Velden. His brandnew NF160-6R was proudly used at the fair. We are sure we have made the first important step to the Austrian market and are really looking forward to many new customers. Not last but least the visit of a new customer in Austria will always come together with a visit of this wonderful country.